Friday, June 29, 2007

I am featured again!!! woo hoo!!! mine's the green one, second row.

mannn what a busy semester it's been! I have been too caught up with uni for the last 4 months that I haven't had much time for anything else. but at last, now i'm on a 4 week break. A much deserved one.
This means more time for me to undertake more personal projects. at last, I am able to make my redbubble account active. For the past 3 days, I've been designing and uploading heaps of my designs on to the site. And guess what, my work were featured on the home page twice, 2 days consecutively. Which is freakin awesome!

it's not that i'm boasting or anything it's just that i understand now what drives a designer. I mean, it's not that designers get paid a lot. It's not all about the corporation n stuff. It's more about fulfilling your desire to create. And being recognised means more! ok, money too. but that's second.

you might wondering what is, it's an art gallery and creative community. It's similar to sites like myspace and friendster where you create networks between you and other people. It's Melbourne based. Instead of trying to show others how many friends we have or making our daily activities public, it promotes your creativity. And what's best, you can not only show your stuff, you can even sell em (yeargh!) while getting feedback. This is important as you might think you've created sumthing good, but the general audience might think otherwise.

ok enough of me promoting this site. if you're there, why not drop in to my page

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